
About Membership

We appreciate your interest in the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., West Palm Beach Chapter.

Any person who agrees to act in accordance with the purposes, aims, and bylaws of the West Palm Beach Chapter and the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc. may become a member by successfully completing the membership process. If you believe the purpose and aims of the Coalition provide a good fit for your personal and professional goals, please review the criteria below and submit an inquiry to the 3rd Vice President of Membership via email.


Membership Criteria

Must attend the membership information session – Meet & Greet

Must submit a completed application packet.

Must complete an interview.

Must actively serve on at least one (1) program committee.

Must attend the New Member Orientation.

Must attend Monthly Chapter Meetings.

Must be willing to attend and participate in chapter programs and special projects.

Membership dues must be paid by deadline date.

Individual compliance with the National and Chapter bylaws and policies governing all members.

Inside Our Chapter